Saturday 20 September 2008

Bad pacing...

I am sooo tired. I did try and pace myself and thought I had done a good job.....but it wasn't to be. I managed the Thursday shop OK...and the Friday swim. I even got the 6 ATC's done and posted. (I will put them in my Picasa album when the swaps are made) This morning I didn't get up until 11.30...don't you just hate that when you have made plans? Anyway.....I decided not to go any further than local shops...and I did get some gardening done. The weather the last 3 days has been glorious, so I couldn't let the opportunity pass by could I? I've only done one half of the back garden..trimmed the edges, weeded the borders and cut back the iris. They should have died back by now but Mother nature is totally confused!....the grape hyacinth are already grown and look nearly ready to start budding....they are a spring flower and we are only in September.....the red hot pokers (don't know the proper name) are growing more leaves rather than dying back, and the fuschia doesn't look as though it is going to stop flowering at all.
I thought that I had been very good at resisting the temptation to do more....but now I am totally wrecked. My knees are really painful, so much so that walking upstairs is almost impossible, I'm having to crawl, and my hands are starting to swell. The rest of the garden will have to wait for a few days after I have had chance to recover slightly...depending of course on the weather.

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