For all you crafters out there, 3 sites to check out....where do I start? Well here no particular order......Jak and other team members of La Pashe have a new project. It looks fantastic and will be available very soon.
Next...Susie has some blog candy to give away. Pop over there to find out how you could win this.
Last but not least..a card I made for a very dear friend's birthday who just happens to like sheep. I must say thank you to Martine for the image which can be found on her blog.

Her favourite colour is blue but I wanted to make it pink....but she isn't really a "pink" lover so I compromised and did it in shades of lilac and purple.....with a bit of glitter card added to the sheep and flowers....she does love her glitter. I hope she likes it. I must say that I think she will....she is my biggest fan! It's her birthday on Saturday, and as she is going away to relatives tomorrow for a week, we met up today for a "ladies wot lunch." We really don't do this often enough. Although we talk on the phone it's great to meet up for a good old gossip and a laugh. The weather was fine to start with but ended up with didn't deter us though....and she keeps me sane.!!