Sunday 28 June 2009

A change of scene.. I went with eldest son and family to the place where I grew up...Rivelin Valley. I lived just round the corner from the park and spent many happy childhood days there. Over the years it has been developed and for a few years now it has been a beautiful nature walk. You can go whatever distance you want. A gentle stroll..following the river....or a serious hike up to the dams. We sat by the river under a willow tree and ate a picnic lunch, followed by a slow meander...and a nervous crossing of the stepping stones in the river...(not easy using a walking stick!). I remember as a child we used to put or own stepping stones in. The local council has now put much bigger and more stable ones there now. We then finished back at the park with a Cornish ice cream...with a flake! It was a 2 buses journey but well worth it. I shall probably pay for it health wise for the next few days. The weather we are having at the and sunny.. is forecast for the rest of the week. I doubt that I will get much gardening done, but it might mean that I get to do some crafting.

I don't know if there is a problem with blogger or just my blog, but my feedjit, counter and adsense widgets are not showing. They should be at the bottom of the right hand sidebar. Can you see them? Anyone else having this problem?

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