....by, and all I've managed to do craft wise is make my youngest grandson's birthday card and 2 ATC's. I have the mojo but I have felt so tired and drained. I have 3 birthday cards....eldest son, a friend for his girlfriend, middle grandson... and 2 ATC's to make next week. I haven't even done any of the challenges this year....perhaps if I make the supreme effort it might get me into the right gear....don't think I've got over the "fluey" bug I had a while back. Talking about health problems.....were we?...I went to have my prescription made up and the pharmacist asked if I would mind completing a questionnaire about my medication. Fire away I said...well she asked about my medication and how and when I took it etc...all fine she said....but then asked why I wasn't being prescribed calcium supplements by the doctor. I've wondered about that myself. Anyway.....she has sent a copy of this questionnaire to my GP and recommended the supplements. She did say though that sometimes if the osteoporosis is too advanced, doctors tend not to prescribe calcium because it does no good. Now that's got me worrying a bit more. On top of all this my eldest son went to the GP to ask about a bone scan. He has had a lot of breakages over the years and wondered with the family history if there was any need for him to worry...as he also has arthritic and rheumatic conditions The GP said that my son had saved him writing a letter. Apparently because of the family history the GP has already looked into it and is arranging an appointment for him anyway. It seems as though the NHS is finally getting it's finger out, and collating family medical histories where there is a need to keep a check on inherited conditions. It is comforting in a way to know that your GP is fully aware of these conditions and is actually doing something about it.
Well here is the card I mad for my youngest grandson....he will be 9....such an awkward age I think as far as boys go....well making or even buying a card for the male of the species is difficult at the best of times! The image is a free download from
Pollycrafts Designs I've just discovered this online store and I love it....some lovey cute images and stamps.
Here are a couple of blog candies...
Sally has 2 humongous (sp?) lots of candy....Closes 13th January
Bev is offering some gorgeous candy.... Closes 17th January
Get yourselves over there...you won't be disappointed.
My hit counter isn't working...again! I will leave it a bit longer to see if it comes back of it's own accord ..if not I will have to get another new one....gggrrrrrr!!!

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