Friday 25 July 2008


Well I think that I have just about caught up. Sorted the emails...downloaded some programmes that me and my sons need...... I've had a quick read through most of my favourite blog sites, so now I can slow down a bit and get back into some kind of routine. Still a bit of tweaking to do..the main one being my speakers. The ones I have are cheapo ones and don't work too well with "Steve"..the volume is turned up to max but there is hardly any sound. Not a major problem for me at the moment, except I can't listen to my music while browsing blogs; but it is for my sons.....they have to have their music on here!....even though they have mp3' phones with players etc. etc...

Today was the last group condition management meeting...I have a one to one assessment next week with one the councillors to assess how the course has helped me....if at all.
I had a phone call yesterday from the pain management team and was very disappointed to learn that the meetings are held in the city centre. I'm not sure if I will be able to manage this. With the travelling time and the walk from the bus stop to the venue it will make it a very long and tiring day...defeats the object really.

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