The last two days have been glorious weather wise so I have taken advantage and spent a lot of time in the garden. It's been hard work and very tiring, but worth it. Sons have been very helpful with the housework and cooking. I think they are beginning to appreciate how much work it takes. It's been swings and roundabouts with some of my plants though. Things have really flourished..especially the Buddlia (which is 3 times the size it was last year) and my shrubs. The casualties have been my pansies and snapdragons which the heavy rain washed out, and my dwarf lupins. I bought them last year and they did really well. I've never been able to grow them in this garden before. Well they were flourishing this year until the snails got to them...and my hosta....decimated!!!

1 comment:
Know what you mean about the garden. For the first time since I moved to this house the garden, especially the back garden, is full of colour. Most of the plants are ok but the more delicate things have gone :( Can't be helped though. Card is great by the way! Anne x.
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