.....a bit more positive now after the shock of my sister's passing and the behaviour of my siblings. Didn't feel well the Saturday after the funeral but I was expecting that. My friend Anne phoned me and we decided to have a day in town on the following Tuesday. Unfortunately I couldn't make it. I woke up feeling unwell but thought that with some breakfast I would feel better, but no....the vertigo set in. I've spent the last week taking it easy and doing some crafting, ATCs and a challenge card for the Imag-e-nation forum. I was hoping to get out into the garden at the weekend and clear the leaves, but it was so windy it would have been a waste of time. Yesterday, because I was determined to get out there, it rained heavily all day. Shouldn't grumble though as after nearly 3 weeks with no rain the garden certainly needed it. It's dry today so I might be able to make a start tomorrow. Hopefully I will make the next lunch date with Anne
next Tuesday.
I've also started to de-clutter. My house is being modernised early next year and some of our belongings will go into storage, so I've been collecting some boxes. These were just being dumped in my bedroom and I couldn't move in there. I started out intending to tidy so that I could store them out of the way. I ended up finding things that were years old and absolutely no use...the things we keep! I'm dreading the thought of clearing the "junk" cupboard. You know the one...that one that we all have that is full of things that we just know will come in useful one day.
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